Romance hidden under the covers of an old magazine inspired this series of 2 X 2 collages. I was given a stack of Ladies Home Journals and noticed that the illustrated profiles from different months all faced in the same direction with similar expressions. When placed on the covers of some old marbled journals, the lovers appear to be peering out from the binding.


2 X 2 # 1
18" x 24" framed
marbled book cover, pinwheel and a Ladies Home Journal illustration

2 X 2 # 2
18" x 24" framed
marbled book cover, pressed flowers and a Ladies Home Journal illustration

2 X 2 # 3
18" x 24" framed
marbled book cover, pencil and a Ladies Home Journal illustration

2 X 2 # 4
18" x 24" framed
marbled book cover, ribbon, a single earing and a Ladies Home Journal illustration